I'm thankful we have a table in such a room where I can have the laptop. As I sit, I can look outside and see the chickens on one side, and the goats on the other side. The sun is streaming in and the warmth of it is amazing! I send you sun to melt your snow, if you have it on the ground. That would be nice if I could!
I'm finally seeing some changes in my body from exercising! Not a lot, mind you, but a little. Which is better than none! I would hate to know that I've done all this in vain! I am enjoying all the different things I'm trying. I actually over-did something this week and am suffering from a very sore shoulder. I was really trying to lift myself up doing the chin-ups. I also did Turkish get-ups the same day. The next day I did kettle-bell swings. I think the combination is what got my shoulder. I will have to re-evaluate my routine and see what changes I can make to avoid this, or any other injury. My knee also gets a little squeaky when I do squats and other exercises that utilize the bending of my knee. I may just stick strictly to the re-bounder. The more I read about it, the more I realize that's really all I need to do! It's hard to believe that I don't actually need to work out with weights when using the re-bounder! I still would like to accomplish an unassisted pull-up, but not at the expense of my shoulder! I will keep you updated as to my routine changes. Another thing, I've cut down on my food intake. And I'm not hungry! I read where the re-bounder will decrease your appetite. Just bounce five minutes before a meal and the rise in blood sugar level will decrease your appetite! I did that unknowingly yesterday, then I read the book that came with the re-bounder and it happened again today! All I had for lunch yesterday was my green juice and I didn't eat much dinner later! I just wasn't hungry yesterday! Today I was aware of what I was doing and still I'm not very hungry. I had my juice and a small piece of bread. I'm satisfied as of this writing. I hope this continues! I seem to be doing my workout about lunch time, so hopefully it will.
I'm thinking about making some changes in the garden. The strawberries are very thin this year, so I'm going to pull them out and put in a couple of blueberry bushes. The mice, or some kind of rodent, always beat me to them. We're hoping to put up goat fencing down the hill opposite from the girls. That will leave their yard vacant. I don't have enough raised beds to plant everything I want, so I'm going to let Randy till that spot and make a traditional garden there. I hope to plant beans, squash, watermelons, etc. there. I will keep you updated as to our projects.
I hope ya'll are staying warm and keeping your chin up! Winter is almost over! Spring will be here soon! I hope that for you, especially if you're in the 'vortex'! Have a nice weekend! Blessings from Bama!
The weather was so nice the girls enjoyed swinging! |
Little sister copying big sister. |
I love daffodils! |
Red tips blooming! |
The greenhouse up and anchored down! I can hardly wait to put plants in it! |
We have so much wind, there's no sense in setting it up right now. |
Future garden spot? |
Hand-held quiches! |
Yummy picnic bread! |